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Acolytes (Altar Servers)
Students of the parish are invited to serve starting in junior high. They are encouraged to continue serving into High School.  Training is provided.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Liturgy
These extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist assist the Presider in the distribution of the Eucharist during weekend and weekday liturgies. Training is provided for parishioners who are interested in becoming Eucharistic Ministers. Ministers serve on a rotating basis at the Masses of their choice. Please contact the Parish Office 576-2628

Gift Bearers
Families, couples or individual parishioners serve as Gift Bearers for the weekend liturgies. Groups or individuals are scheduled on a rotating basis at the Masses of their choice.  Contact the parish office at 576-2628

Lectors proclaim the Word of God at weekday and weekend liturgies. They also lead the General Intercessions at weekend liturgies. A training workshop is provided for all interested in becoming Lectors. Lectors serve on a rotating basis during the Mass of their choice. Contact: Parish Office at 576-2628

Music Ministry of St. Francis of Assisi Parish
The liturgical music choirs provide leadership in music for the weekend masses and special Para-liturgical prayer in the parish.  Contacts:  Sarah Kinder 618-883-2400, Mary Kay Hughart or Jerry Sievers.

Ministers of Hospitality – Greeters at the Masses
These parishioners minister by greeting parishioners and guests at weekend Masses. First impressions are often lasting impressions. Consequently, the ministry of the greeters is one of the most important things that happen in any congregation! Greeters serve on a rotating basis at the Masses of their choice. Please contact the parish office 576-2628

Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound and Hospitalized
The extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist to the homebound and to those confined to Nursing Homes assist in the distribution of Eucharist to those unable to attend Mass. Training is provided for those parishioners interested in this ministry of care. These ministers will serve our parish on a rotating basis. Please contact the parish office if you would like to assist our parish.

Money Counters
Money Counting is a very special ministry for ordinary people to do extraordinary work. It is a willingness to give your Sunday mornings a year to the task of separating and counting the Sunday Collection. This ministry begins after 9:30 AM Mass on Sundays in the Parish Office. Contact Larry Wieneke or the parish office if you would like to donate your time.

Ushers minister to people attending Sunday Mass by assisting with seating and helping them in their preparation for the liturgy, gathering the offertory collection and providing assistance and helpful information. Ushers serve on a rotating basis at the Masses of their choice.
Please contact the parish office if you are interested

Sacristans prepare our church for Mass on the weekends. They set up the altar, offertory gifts and other items as necessary before each Mass. Training is provided for those who wish to help with this Ministry. Please contact the parish office if you are interested at 576-2628